Hey all!
So here it is!! Our FREE 4 week Bubble Butt workout!
There will be one Butt and one Core workout uploaded each week. Each video needs to be repeated 2-3 times and 2-3 times a week.
For example
Bubble Butt workout 1 – Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Core Workout 1 – Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
Sunday rest day.
You are taking part in the videos at your own risk and we are not liable for any injury caused. You will have to complete your own warm up and cool down to ensure safety.
All you have to do to take part it:
Share each Video Post
Comment on the page saying your thoughts on the workout!
We will be watching the video views – if the video is not shared/commented on and we have a higher number of views – we will stop the programme and video. We are giving you stuff for FREE guys so please stick to the rules.
Heres Bubble Butt workout 1!