So Director Amanda Dawn has yet another fitness qualification under her belt.
Introducing Burlex Fitness!
Amanda already teaches Burlesque Bliss at Bliss- a burlesque inspired dance class. From March this will be replaced with Burlex Fitness.
Burlex is a Burlesque inspired Fitness class! It gets you hot, conditioned and smiling! All in one class! The class includes pure dance songs which raises your heart rate using interval training which is effective for fitness and weight loss. other tracks include conditioning and strength for the whole body!
This class will get your booty working and bobbing, your heart rising and shoulders shimmying! Releasing your inner Diva!
Each class includes fitness and dance tracks as well as using different Burlesque props such as feather boas, gloves, fans and hats! This class will leave you smiling, slightly sweaty and feelings lovely burn, especially in your thighs!
Suitable for all fitness abilities and beginner and experienced dancers. This class fits into the Bliss ethos of making dance and fitness fun, effective and suitable for all!
The course was fantastic and Bliss Dance is hosting a training day for Burlex the 1st June. Great for fitness and dance instructors as well as others who want a career change or something on the site.
So come along and try out Burlex Fitness Mondays 830pm £4.
Wear comfortable clothes and leisure shoes such as trainers.