If you haven’t heard the benefits of coconut oil then I a firstly shocked! But secondly here to open your eyes.
Coconut oil has been a stable in my daily life for the last couple of years.
Make sure it’s pure, unrefined, virgin coconut oil so ensure its in it’s purest form.
A couple of years ago it was quote hard to find coconut oil, but now most supermarkets stock it.
So what can you do with it?
Have a look  at this picture I pulled off pinterest
So in other words LOADS of uses.
I cook with  it, especially when cooking eggs/omelettes as it adds a subtle flavour. However I must add it does not have a strong coconut taste or smell so for those of you that dislike coconuts, still give it a try.
I use pure coconut oil as a weekly hair mask. Here are the benefits:
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Coconut Oil Hair Mask (and how to get it out of your hair)
August 12, 2014 44 Comments
DISCLOSURE: Please note these statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. I am not a doctor. I am simply sharing my experiences.
Coconut Oil Hair Mask (and how to get it out of your hair) – thecrunchymoose.com
Coconut oil is my favorite deep conditioner for my hair. Most oils just coat your hair providing minimal moisturizing and repair. But not coconut oil. Coconut oil penetrates the hair shaft to moisturize from within, repair damaged hair, and protect your hair from future damage from hair products & heat.
Benefits of Coconut Oil
Coconut oil:
Moisturises your hair and scalp
Is anti-fungal and gets rid of dandruff
Penetrates the hair shaft
Protects your hair from losing protein when washing which results in thicker hair
Contains vitamin E and lauric acid, both are essential for strong, healthy hair and prevent hair loss
Contains fatty acids that strengthen your hair resulting in less split ends
Gives your hair a healthy shine
Often i combine this with honey due to honeys moisterising  and anti baterial property’s
Body scrub?
Also combining melted coconut oil and brown sugar is a fantastic body scrub! Much cheaper and just as effective as shop brought ones!
Face mask?
Yup coconut oil is great for your skin, especially ache. Have a search online for recipes!  Again, honey and coconut oil is my go to face mask and leaves my skin clear and super soft!
Have a play around and you will feel the benefits of this multi purpose oil.