Our Drop A Dress Size programme is launching Monday 5th January for the amazing price of just…wait for it £30!!!
Book for January HALF PRICE with this code: dress2015
That is a ONE OFF payment! NO monthly fee, membership or faddy foods! Once you have done one month YOU HAVE ALL THE INFORMATION FOR LIFE JUST £30 (£15 with offer)!!! The programme is REAL food, a LIFESTYLE change – not a faddy diet where you will be left feeling awful and lose muscle and water weight! The programme will educate you on how to see FOOD as FUEL, be wary of HIDDEN SUGARS and the benefit of GOOD FATS! This programme is not EASY or a QUICK fix – if you are looking for a “DIET” where you can eat chocolate all day and low fat quick fixes then this is not for you. If you want to feel AMAZING, full of ENERGY, lose FAT, INCHES and increase LEAN muscle, then this is FOR YOU! You will be supported by email and gained access to a secret Facebook group where all members can support each other and ask any questions they wish. The programme will be available to book using our online system on the date of 1st January – however, you will then receive all information needed to prepare to start the programme as a group on Monday 5th January 2015. https://goteamup.com/p/253643-bliss-dance/ All progress will be measured throughout to keep everyone on track.