Amanda Dawn’s first fitness presenting weekender!
Amanda Dawn was invited to present Pole Dancing, Aerial Hoop and Street Fit at the UFD Luxury Fitness Weekender in Colchester the 16-18th August 2013. Here is her summary:
‘Presenting’ is where a fitness presenter delivers a fitness concept to participants. The weekender had around 100 guests and a fantastic line up of instructors including Zoe McNutly, Dannielle Emery and many more. The team, and Organisers (Bob and Adele) where very welcoming and made me feel at ease. The classes presented included Raunch, Bokwa, Kettlebells, Fight Klub and more.
The event was held at the Five Lakes Luxury hotel which was spectacular – gorgeous rooms and facilities
On Friday afternoon I presented Street Fit – A street dance based workout using street dance moves for a full body cardio workout. The class were fab and really got into the class and were lots of fun to teach!
Street fit link
The Saturday was full of class! The whole place was buzzing with fantastic classes, music and presenters! I took part in Fight Klub which was amazing! Here is a picture of how I looked after!
I taught Pole dancing on Saturday morning to 6 eager ladies! Many went home that evening and search for classes in their area! Everyone was relaxed and found it fun and addictive!
Everyone was excited to see what Aerial Hoop was all about! I had four participants – as many just wanted to watch! Again many searched for classes in their area many remained reluctant to give the circus tool a try!
Overall I had a fantastic weekend! Lots of food, fantastic parties, sweat AWESOME classes and I cannot wait to come back next year! I highly recommend the UFD fitness event for a lovely weekend away! There are spa facilities so it is not all hard work! I love representing and Aerial Fitness Industry and Bliss Dance at events.