Happy New Year from us all at Bliss Dance & Fitness!
Make 2013 the year you set and achieve your dreams and goals!97320041917635158_rSSaKLPo_c

You Can, You Will!
New years resolutions… want to make sure you achieve them…

My advice is make a set of small, achievable goals to keep you motivated. Try not to set massive goals with short time spans – it can leaving you disheartened resulting in you given up. This is applicable to any goal!

is weight loss your goal?
In 2012, myself (Amanda Dawn) Director of Bliss Dance set a goal to lose 1 stone 7lbs and I ended up losing 3 stone 5lbs! I achieved this through our classes at Bliss Dance & fitness, as well as using my Nutrition and Weight management qualification, setting several small achievable goals to stay motivated and of course using positive thinking. Any day you go off track, just start again the next day and do not worry about it – it is in the past. I lost this weight between January 2nd – June 2nd 2012 and lost more inches by October 2012. I believe I lost more than I set out to as I was in a more positive place as was not ‘dieting’.


You can achieve your goals too! and we can and will help you!

Personal Training
Most people do not fully understand what personal training is. It is not about being yelled at for an hour and being made to do 1000 burpees (well…not always he he!)
In my opinion, the best thing about personal training is the motivation, the full support and attention you need to achieve your goals.

I myself see a personal trainer. For myself and many others, the hardest thing about working out is the self motivation. If you are struggling with an exercise, you are more than likely going to ease off – if someone is there you are more likely to go a little further. Seeing my trainer weekly also makes me want to do my ‘fitness homework’ as I want them to notice I have improved and am committed to my goals.
Personal training does not need to be a long term commitment. Often people just have one or two sessions to re-motivate and re-evaluate their workouts making them more efficient. Others like long term, weekly sessions while some attend just once or twice a month.
In my sessions you will be educated on nutrition – a very important factor in any fitness programme. Each session will vary and you will receive a full programme to complete by yourself too. I see time and time again people working out for 60-90 minutes in the gym and getting no results. Lets stop this.
I LOVE functional training and body weight exercises which work more than one muscle group at the same time resulting in maximum calorie expenditure. This can mean shorter, more effective workouts. I will explain each exercise to you fully so you understand the benefits which will educate you for your future fitness.
Clients that sign up to our PT packages also get complimentary access to some of our other classes meaning they have more opportunities to workout with others.
Group Exercise Classes
keep growing and growing. More and more fitness concepts are arising year by year. I have been in the fitness industry five years now and there have been so many crazes and fantastic programmes!
Everything I teach and run at Bliss Dance, I love and believe in and I will briefly sum up each class and its benefits:
Pole Dance Fitness
Fun – fitness. That sums it up.
This class burns calories, increases lean muscle which is turn burns more calories even at rest. It tones your body in particular the tummy, arms, back and shoulders. The class also improves posture and increases flexibility. For me, the biggest benefit is body and self confidence. You achieve so many moves, some take more time than others – but with each achievement you get a confidence boost. Any class that makes people feel good about themselves – I love.
Each class includes a full warm up, strength, flexibility, dance and cool down sections.
Aerial Hoop
My new love!!! Every person that has tried this class has said it reminded them of being a child and playing on climbing frames. Any class that reminds you of playing as a child is always going to be fun and addictive which means you will stick to it!
Aerial Hoop has challenged my core and shoulders and the results are very noticeable!! (and its improved my strength for pole)
Each person I have followed up with has had the same fitness results as myself.
Get Bendy
Why not add achieving the splits to your New Years Resolutions list…?
Get Bendy appears on our timetable twice a week and is a express flexibility class. Flexibility is very important – especially for when you reach later life. Keeping your muscles supple can help eliminate body stiffness and pain – again also helping prevent it for later like. In this class we work on full body flexibility – not just the lower body. I achieved my splits in as little as 5 weeks training! but unfortunately I then relaxed and lost it so come join me on my journey to regain splits (on each leg) and box splits as well as increasing shoulder and back flexibility! This class is vital for anyone attending Pole or Aerial Hoop classes
Our new class! This class will be full of my favourite exercises!
This may only be a 30 minute class but this does not mean you will not get results!
The class has a similar format to circuits. It uses HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) to burn fat, tone muscles, increase fitness and work those abdominals. The class will use bodyweight, resistant bands, floor work and some weighted equipment (and more often than not the poles)
Burlesque Bliss
Confidence, Fun, Dance and giggles!
Due to demand this class is back for 2013! No dance experience needed. Each week you will learn a new, easy to follow routine. Often we thrown in other dance styles such as Jazz, commercial and Street Dance. We have props when needed but feel free to come dressed up or dressed down! This class will work your legs and balance and includes a toning element too! Please bring trainers and heels (heels not always used)
So that sums up our current classes! We will be adding Pilates, pre/post natal and supple Strength (mix of yoga and pilates) in early Spring 2013 as well as functional training and children’s classes later on in the year so watch this space
I wish you a very happy, positive 2013 and hope all your dreams come true!
Amanda Dawn xxx