Adult Ballet – but I am not graceful??
You dont need to be! no experience or Tutus needed! (unless you want to wear one!)
Ballet is something most girls do when they are younger right??? – but as adults, is it really a good way to work out???
The short answer – YES!
I have studied Adult Ballet most of my life (I am not a natural at it – I will stick to Twerking!), and also have had a few breaks from it for various reasons. Bare in mind I teach pretty hardcore fitness classes and I am a strong lass and have been for several years. I tried Sophie’s Ballet class at Bliss Dance last year and, oh my days! My legs, my bum, my core, MY ARMS! everything was aching! It was such a challenge and I had realised how much Ballet strength I had lost!
Fitness Benefits of Ballet
Bliss Adult Ballet has similar fitness benefits to Yoga and Pilates. It lengthens and strengthens muscles, improves posture and burn calories. Adult Ballet will raise your metabolic rate during and after class meaning you will burn calories for an hour or two after the class has finished! result! (that does not mean you can eat a tub of Ben and Jerrys after class though!) Look at a Ballerinas body – long, lean limbs, perfect posture and grace. Everyone can get that grace!
Does it help with Bliss Pole and Aerial Hoop classes?
Again, in short, YES!

Bliss Adult Ballet really helps you to become body aware, improve muscle balance and strength. This is important for both Bliss Pole and Aerial Hoop classes. As well as that, it helps your grace, flow, posture and technique in moves making you more elegant and graceful.

For those of you wishing to take part in the Bliss Dance shows or Pole competitions, Adult Ballet will also aid your performance (point those toes!) making you body aware to extend those limbs beyond their limits for beautiful lines to be proud of!ballet nuneaton

Adult Ballet at Bliss Dance is suitable for all ages, backgrounds and complete beginners. Bliss Adult Ballet classes take place Thursday 830-930pm for £5 or are included in Silver/Gold.

Bliss Ballet is taught by the beautifully talented Sophie who is definitely a prima ballerina!

ballet Tap jazz commercial dance

Why not attend a class for free to see if Ballet is for you?
Contact us for a FREE Ballet class.
Amanda Dawn