So in classes I have been raving quite a bit about natural beauty….
This is not fitness related but can be seen as health related as your hair and skin is part of you and a representation  of your health.
So what have I been doing differently?
First of all a couple of weeks ago I swapped to a sulfate free shampoo. I rarely heat style my wavy hair and have a few highlights but it was full of split ends, breakage and frizz and I was getting pretty annoyed!
From the first wash my hair was literally transformed! The frizz was reduced dramatically! I had some layers cut it, mainly to get rid of the damaged ends and my hair and been great since.
I wash my hair twice a week and once a week do a coconut oil mask (I’ll talk about this more in my next post). It makes your hair super shiney,  soft and conditioned and does wonders for scalp health.
The brand I have used for shampoo is the Macadamia Natural Oil collection. I also use their healing oil  on my hair once-twice  a day to condition my ends.
For July I am setting myself a growth challenge; for this I am seeing how my hair responds to:
– no heat, not even a hairdryer
– no hand bands, just hair grips
– hair vitamins
– lots of water
– weekly coconut oil mask
– no sulfates
– limit playing with my hair by pinning back
Here is my hair the 1st July and I will up and any changes 1st August 🙂
Why don’t you try one of my rules and see if it makes a difference?
Amanda x