So what a crazy weekend! Pole Theatre 2014 is over and done with!
Pole Theatre is a performance based competition. You are marked on your theme, costume and how you perform and use your face, transition between moves and your imagination
Bliss student Kiya Jacobs entered Pole Classique Beginner/Intermediate level which is sexy pole. For this category, competitors had to wear pole high heels and remove an item of clothing. Kiya wore a sheer black shirt which she removed to the song ‘Drunk In Love’ by Beyonce.
KIYA WON!! We were so proud, she don’t such a fab job! Here is her video

I entered myself and for through to the semi finals of Pole Art in the Semi Pro category. My piece was Pole and commercial dance and there was no other criteria. I made mine upbeat and cheeky and had so much fun on stage. A few things went wrong and I did not point my feet very well!! I did now win but had some good feedback from the judges.
Both myself and Kiya wish to enter next year as it was such a fun and entertaining competition!
There were four categories
Pole Comedy
Pole Drama
Pole Art
Pole Classique
With over 100 competitors all weekend, you can only imagine the fun, imaginative, crazy, sexy, funny pieces we had the pleasure of watching!
We had 15 Blissettes attend over the weekend to show their support which meant the world to us both! All competitors, judges and organisers were fantastic and friendly! It was a fab competition and very well run! especially considering it was the UK first one!
Here is my video!