Saturday 5th January saw myself and fellow Blissettes take over the Ropewalk Shopping Centre in Nuneaton
untitled (238 of 245)Situated next to BHS and the Ropewalk Christmas tree, we set up our Aerial Hoop A-frame and freestanding pole and showed Nuneaton what Aerial fitness and fun is!
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We certainty got some attention! Lots of parents where interested in Aerial Hoop classes for their children which will start in the Spring/Summer so keep posted!
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A big shout out and thank you to my Blissettes who gave up their Saturday and worked their bodies to the limits demonstrating what Bliss is about!
Fun – Fitness and friends!
The Nuneaton News even booked an appointment to come and photograph us! so watch out for our article! We should be appearing in the Hinkley Paper too!!
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Thanks to all those who stopped by!
Amanda Dawn xx