Firstly I must apologise! The last few weeks have flown by and I have not posted anything!
We are well into prep for our annual show at
The Abbey Theatre Nuneaton 730pm Saturday 6th December 2014
This year our theme is:
The show will include 28 pieces created and performed by the Bliss Instructors and Students! Most of the pieces have been created by the students themselves! The songs used are popular film themes or from musicals or Disney! And this year we have our mini hoopers ages 8-11years performing to a Lion King Mix!
The majority of our students have no dance or fitness background what so ever!! So come and see what they have achieved and what YOU could achieve!
Our shows are open to everyone to come and watch. Tickets are £8 and £5 for concessions/children. We sell out every year!
Come and watch and I am sure it will inspire you to perform next year 🙂
6 weeks to go!!