
Today I had 12 ladies try out our Pole Dance taster class, they were all nervous, but all had fun and they all signed up for a full February Course! 

ImageEach time I have a new group of ladies, they are quiet and a little nervous. Every teacher will agree, in any discipline and learning environment  that one of the perks of teaching is seeing people develop, relax, become more confident and gain new skills. For this reason I love teaching ladies their first ever Pole Dance or Aerial Hoop lesson. Each person will achieve something they deemed unachievable in that first session. They will feel the benefits of that session immediately and also be reminded of it for the following few days (especially with DOMS Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness!)

ImageSo my moto is, try something new. Anything. You are more likely to regret not trying something then regret trying it. 

ImageAll of our classes are taught in a relaxed, fun, supportive environment.  People of all ages, shapes, sizes, fitness ability and backgrounds attend Bliss Dance & Fitness classes. Why not start out with a 30 minute BootyCamp or Get Bendy class to test the water?

Whenever you are ready, Bliss Dance is ready.